God of David Pt 2.

My experiences with my little man have reinforced my faith in such a way, that it is truly unshakeable. The miracles that took place in his life and that continue to take place, are a testimony to me that God is real. That He loves, He cares, He hears even when it seems others don’t….

God of the Womb

This particular blog is extremely hard for me write. But I promised God that I would use every part of my life to as a testimony for someone else’s benefit. So I’ll lay aside every pride. April 4th, 2013 is a day that I will never forget. It’s the day that I found out that…

The God Who Does The Impossible

My intention today was to write to you about the Spirit of Fear. But I would rather not give the enemy the time of day by talking about that. Instead, I feel that the Holy Spirit wants me to talk about the opposite-The Spirit of Faith. A lot of people have said to me that…

There is Purpose in Your Pain

There are times when I struggle to understand why God allows me to experience certain things in my life. It seems sometimes that some people have life so easy. Some people wake up, eat, go to work, come home, watch TV and go to bed. But for us Believers, it never seems to be that…

What does trusting God look like?

About a month ago, I started on a journey of ‘Konmari-ing’ my house. For those of you who don’t know what that means, it’s a method of tidying up by a Japanese woman named Marie Kondo. She has a process of tidying that involves getting rid of things in your life that don’t spark joy…

Get some sleep

  Over the last few weeks, I’ve been feeling really stressed with some of the things I am going through. There are times when I have to fight the thought that I am not alone. And that God is on the scene working on my behalf. I don’t know about you, but that can be…

There is a purpose for everything that happens

I was listening to one of Charles Stanley’s messages over the weekend. About 15 minutes into the message, he said something that really stuck with me. “Nothing that you go through is purposeless…” This statement was perhaps what I needed to hear and perhaps the reason God allowed me to zoom into that specific part…

Don’t quit. God is rooting for you.

The last couple of weeks, I had to battle one of the worst bouts of pain I have ever experienced. And I am not exaggerating. It was a pain that was physical, and continuous, lasting about 10 days. On a threshold of 1 to 10, it felt like a 15!  During this time, I cried,…

When it seems too much to bear…

A couple of days ago, my car decided to ‘conk’ out as my Guyanese fellows would say. That is, it went dead while driving at an extremely busy intersection. I found myself going into ‘damsel in distress’ mode. Not to mention, I was wearing a rather Springy maxi dress and heels as I was on…

A piece of God’s Peace

Real peace, offers contentment for where you are. It sees the value of where God is taking you, rather than focus on the negatives of where you’ve been. Real peace, does not complain. Real peace is patient even if it doesn’t know the outcome, because ‘it’ knows that God knows the outcome. It just rests in…